1. To start AuditDesktop, click the
icon on your desktop. The
Login window will appear.
2.1. Select the database that you will work with.
2.2. Enter your username and password.
2.3. Click Login.
You can also log in the program with your OS credentials, without
entering username and password.
If you haven't set a database:
The Databaseswindow that will appear allows you to manage
your list of databases.
Before starting an engagement, it is recommended that you fill in
some organisation data:
3.1. Open the Settings tab.
3.2. Click the Organisation button.
4. The program supports several main Nomenclatures that facilitate
engagement performance. To edit them, go to:
Activities - employees can select their activity type which is
used when filling in their timesheets
Job positions - the employees' start and end dates of employment
which affect the engagement team selection as well as Strategic
and Annual planning
Tickmarks - you can define your own tickmarks which can be used
in Lead schedules and File / MS Excel documents
AuditDesktop allows you to add, edit and delete employees, as well as to
fill in additional information such as user accounts, job positions,
planned leaves, etc.
Method import - you can use the program's method import function
which allows for a quick and simple import of method files.
Adding new Client(s) - you can add new clients, but also edit, delete
and organise your clients into hierarchical groups.
Right click on a client to access the Client context
menu. Its functions will help you manage client data,
select and edit engagements as well as add timesheets.
Double-click with the left mouse button on the
engagement * *
Select the engagement and click
**Open **
Select the engagement and press F5 on the keyboard
You can use the predefined filters at the bottom of the screen to select
the engagement's visibility mode.