The purpose of this guide is to assist you technically when you begin
working with the product for the first time. The guide does not follow
the exact steps of the audit because some of them require a previous
technical preparation in order to complete them. Keeping this in mind,
we would like to present the main steps through which we must pass in
order to prepare the audit's basis for work.
1. | Open the Settings tab and enter the basic data with which you will be working, such as Job positions, Employees and Activities. Check the First steps page, steps 3-4, for more details. |
2. | Enter the data of the company/companies for which you will conduct the audit engagement. To do so, open the Home tab and go into the Clients subsection. Click the Add button in order to open the Client data window. It is important that the client's data should be as full as possible because later on it will be filled in the parametrised working papers. |
3. | Creating a new audit engagement. The term ''New audit engagement'' is given from the program's point of view. From the point of view of the audit process, the engagement can be ''Initial'' or ''Subsequent''. Here, we'd like to draw your attention to one of the system's main concepts: the availability of a main document library. When you create a new audit engagement, this library will be ''copied'' as the ''audit's library''. The activation of all working papers in the ''audit's library'' depends on the parameters that you have selected when first creating the engagement.
Note You can also fill in the Audited period section, which has for the time being only informative function. |
4. | Import the Initial and Previous trial balance. If you are working with the 6-column trial balance, open the Check previous trial balance tab in order to check whether the Closing balance of the previous year equals the Opening balance of the current year. |
5 | Click the |
6. | Open the Mapped trial balance tab in order to check whether there are any accounts which have not been mapped. In case such accounts are present, you can return to the Chart of accounts to map them, or you can adjust them manually in the Statement of financial position and Income statement windows. Info If you want to see the sums of the trial balances grouped into items, open the FS Lines (Financial Statement Lines) tab. |
7. | Open the Statement of financial position window and click |
8. |