Parser has several build-in conversion routines:
CHR returns the character by code.
function Chr(X: Integer): Char;
For example, CHR(65)='A'
ORD returns the code of character.
function Ord(X: Char): Integer;
For example, ORD('A')=65
IntToStr converts an integer to a string.
function IntToStr(Value: Integer): string;
StrToInt converts a string representing an integer (decimal or hex
notation) to a number.
function StrToInt(Value: string): Integer;
FloatToStr converts a floating point value to a string.
function FloatToStr(Value: Number): string;
StrToFloat converts given string to a floating-point value.
function StrToFloat(S: string): Number;
DateToStr converts a variable of type TDateTime to a formatted string
function DateToStr(Date: TDateTime): string;
StrToDate converts a string to a date format.
function StrToDate(S: string): TDateTime;