The following date/time functions are supported:
GetDate returns the current date and time.
function GetDate: TDateTime;
Year returns the year from date value.
function Year(D: TDateTime): Integer;
Month returns the month from date value.
function Month(D: TDateTime): Integer;
Day returns the day from date value.
function Day(D: TDateTime): Integer;
Hour returns the hours from time value.
function Hour(D: TDateTime): Integer;
Minute returns the minutes from time value.
function Minute(D: TDateTime): Integer;
Second returns the seconds from time value.
function Second(D: TDateTime): Integer;
DatePart returns the date part (without time) from date-time value.
function DatePart(D: TDateTime): TDateTime;
TimePart returns the time part (without date) from date-time value
function TimePart(D: TDateTime): TDateTime;
DateTimeFromString convert the string to date-time value by specified
function DateTimeFromString(S, Format: string; DateSeparator,
TimeSeparator: Char): TDateTime;
For example, DateTimeFromString('12-Jan-1999 03:04:05', 'dd-mmm-yyyy
hh:nn:ss', '-', '