The following text/string functions are supported:
Length returns the number of characters in a string or elements in an
function Length(S: string): Integer;
For example, Length('one')=3
Lower converts an ASCII string to lowercase.
function LowerCase(S: string): string;
For example, Lower("aNy TExt")="any text"
Upper returns a copy of a string in uppercase.
function UpperCase(S: string): string;
For example, Lower("aNy TExt")="ANY TEXT"
PadL returns a string, padded with spaces or characters to a specified
length on the left side. If last character is not specified, space
character used
function PadL(S: string; Count: Integer; CharToAdd:
Char): string;
For example, PadL("mystr", 8, "1")="111mystr"
PadR returns a string, padded with spaces or characters to a specified
length on the right side. If last character is not specified, space
character used
function PadR(S: string; Count: Integer; CharToAdd:
Char): string;
For example, PadR("mystr", 8, "1")="mystr111"
Pos returns the index value of the first character in a specified
substring that occurs in a given string.
function Pos(Substr: string; S: string): Integer;
For example, Pos("tex", "any text")=5
ReplaceStr returns a string with occurrences of one substring replaced
by another substring
function ReplaceStr(S: string; oldS: string; newS:
string; IgnoreCase: Boolean; ReplaceAll: Boolean):
For example, ReplaceStr("my1str1", "1", "2", True, True)="my2str2"
SubString returns a substring of a string.
function SubString(S: string; Index, Count: Integer):
For example, SubString("any text", 1, 3)="any"
Trim function trims leading and trailing spaces and control characters
from a string.
function Trim(S: string): string;
TrimLeft trims leading spaces and control characters from a string.
function TrimLeft(S: string): string;
TrimRight trims trailing spaces and control characters from a string.
function TrimRight(S: string): string;