The Table View represents data in columns, each of which has a caption
displayed within the column header panel. Users can click on the column
header to sort data by the column's content. To sort by multiple
columns, column headers should be clicked while holding down the Shift
key. When data is sorted by a column, a small arrow is displayed in its
caption indicating the current sort order. You can stop sorting against
a particular column by clicking its header again while pressing the Ctrl
When data is sorted by multiple columns, the order in which you apply
sorting is important. Sorting orders the data according to the first
sort column specified. Other column values only come into play if
earlier column(s) data is identical.
The following image shows a grid control with data sorted by the State,
City and LastName columns. Data is sorted in descending order by the
State column (and in ascending order by City and LastName). Filter
arrows are indicated in colour: